Installation using Docker

Docker works natively on Linux, Mac OSX, and Windows 10. If you are using an older version of Windows (and some older versions of Mac OSX), you will need to install Docker Toolbox.

Choose either Docker Native (Windows/OSX) or Docker Native (Ubuntu) to install Docker.

Docker Native (Ubuntu)

Follow instructions [here](

Docker Native (Windows/OSX)

Following instructions (for Mac)[] or (for Windows)[].

Building and Configuring Containers

  • Run Docker Compose

    docker-compose build

    Be Patient … If the containers build successfully, then start the containers

    docker volume create --name=seed_pgdata
    docker volume create --name=seed_media
    docker-compose up

    Note that you may need to build the containers a couple times for everything to converge

  • Login to container

    The docker-compose file creates a default user and password. Below are the defaults but can be overridden by setting environment variables.

    password: super-secret-password


Don’t forget that you need to reset your default username and password if you are going to use these Docker images in production mode!