Installation on Docker

Installing on Windows and OS X

Install Docker Toolbox (Windows/OS X)

Install Docker-Toolbox, which installs several applications including Docker, Docker Machine, and Docker Compose. It is possible to install these individually as well by installing Docker, Docker-Machine, and Docker-Compose.

Create Docker-Machine Image

The command below will create a 100GB volume for development. This is a very large volume and can be adjusted. Make sure to create a volume greater than 30GB.

docker-machine create --virtualbox-disk-size 100000 -d virtualbox dev

Start Docker-Machine Image

docker-machine start dev  # if not already running
eval $(docker-machine env dev)

Run Docker Compose

docker-compose build

Be Patient ... If the containers build successfully, then start the containers

docker-compose up

Note that you may need to build the containers a couple times for everything to converge

Create User

docker-compose run web ./ create_default_user


Get the Docker IP address (docker-machine ip dev) and point your browser at [http://ip-address:8000](http://ip-address:8000) and log in with the account:

password: demo

Installing Docker on Ubuntu

Docker will run directly on Ubuntu, so, in contrast to Windows/OS X there is no need to run in in Virtual Box, unless desired. Running without Virtual Box means you can set it up so that local changes are reflected in the containers and you can edit files etc with your normal setup.

First follow the instructions here:

If you set up a docker group and add yourself to it you can run docker commands directly. Otherwise you will need to precede docker commands with sudo. You will need to log out entirely for the changes to take place. You can test this by running

docker run hello-world

if you still have issues, try rebooting.

If you ran the hello-word docker you can use the following to clean up. First check to see what existing containers there are, and what there status is:

docker ps -a

You should see something similar to this if there are no containers.


If you ran the hello world container you should see it listed (the image is hello-word).Check its status to make sure it exited. Then you can go ahead and remove it. A quick way to remove all old containers is this.

docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)

Otherwise specify the numeric id to remove individual containers.

Next you can list images in a similar way.

docker images

Images not connected to a container are known as dangling images. You can get rid of them using this command:

docker rmi -f $(docker images -q -a -f dangling=true)

Otherwise they can be removed using docker rmi image using the image name or id shown by docker images.

Install Docker Compose

sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo pip install docker-compose

Optionally install Virtual Box and Docker-Machine

This is only necessary if you want to run inside Virtual Box.

sudo apt-get install virtual-box
wget`uname -s`-`uname -m`
sudo mv docker-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m) /usr/local/bin/docker-machine
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-machine

If you do this proceed by following the instructions for Windows/OS X starting from Create Docker-Machine Image.

Setting up without a Virtual Machine

If we don’t use Virtual Box we can run Docker directly. This assumes you are in the same directory as the Git repo. You should also set up a virtualenv for it. Setting it up this way means it will use your local ip, so you will be able to access the SEED website via localhost. As we are using containers we don’t have to worry about setting up the database and Redis directly, Docker will do this for us.

In this part we are going to set up the project so that the seed directory in web container’s root file system points to the copy on your local file system (i.e. the directory with the repo in it). This is an advantage of running docker directly: changes on your local file system show up in the container so you can edit with your local tools etc. without having to have them running in the container.

Before you start ensure you have set up a virtualenv for the project. Then at a minimum you will need to install the tos module manually.

pip install -e  'git+'

Note the quotes.

If you notice complaints about this not being present try: pip install ip install -r requirements/base.txt, you might also need to install test and local

Edit docker-compose.yml in the repo base.

Look for the section web:, then underneath it the volumes: section. Add two lines like this:

- $HOME/projects/seed:/seed - $HOME/.virtualenvs/seed/src/django-tos-master:/seed/src/django-tos-master

You will to change the part before the colon to match your local setup. On my system the repo is a directory called seed under the projects folder in my home directory for the first line. In the second line my virtualenvs live under .virtualenvs in my home directory as I use virtualenv wrapper. You will need to adjust this to match your local setup.

Then you will need to open the ports for Redis and PostgreSQL. In the section db-postgres: add

  • “5432:5432”

in db-redis add

  • “6379:6379”

You should be careful not to add the changes to this file to your git commits as it is local only. You can do this with the following command.

git update-index  --skip-worktree docker-compose.yml

Doing this ensures git preserves your local changes and will warn you of any conflicts caused by upstream changes. Occasionally it might be necessary to temporarily unset the flag using –no-skip-worktree (you can reset it afterwards). You can find more on how acts, and how to fix conflicts here:

Next do the following to create a local settings file

cp config/settings/ config/settings/

Then you will need to edit the databases section. Here is a sample

# postgres DB config
    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
        'NAME': 'seed',
        'USER': 'seed',
        'PASSWORD': 'seed',
        'HOST': '',
        'PORT': '5432',

The tricky part is the HOST line. The web server can’t connect to the database on localhost with this setup. Use ifconfig to find out the ip addresses on your local machine. In this example was listed for docker0 and that worked.

Run Docker Compose

docker-compose build

Note this process will spit out a warning that some containers are being ignored. Don’t worry they will be set up later.

Be Patient ... If the containers build successfully, then start the containers

docker-compose up

Note that you may need to build the containers a couple times for everything to converge. You will likely need to do this. Run docker-compose up hit Ctrl-C, then run both the commands again to get everything working correctly.

Note for whatever reason things like collectstatic aren’t run automatically if you aren’t using Virtual Box. You can fix it with the following. Use this to connect to a shell in the container.

docker exec -it "seed_web_1" bash

Then run the following when you are there.


You might see some errors, don’t worry, these mostly occur because its trying to use Amazon S3., which is not relevant here.

This should only need to be done once (unless things change, e.g. adding more static files) as long as the docker image is around.

Create User

docker-compose run web ./ create_default_user


Point your browser at []( and log in with the account:

password: demo