Developer Resources

General Notes

Flake Settings

Flake is used to statically verify code syntax. If the developer is running flake from the command line, they should ignore the following checks in order to emulate the same checks as the CI machine.

Code Description
E402 module level import not at top of file
E501 line too long (82 characters) or max-line = 100
E731 do not assign a lambda expression, use a def
W503 line break occurred before a binary operator

To run flake locally call:

tox -e flake8

Django Notes

Both Django and AngurlarJS are used for url routing. Django routes are in seed/urls/


Amazon AWS S3 Expires headers should be set on the AngularJS partials if using S3 with the management command: set_s3_expires_headers_for_angularjs_partials


python set_s3_expires_headers_for_angularjs_partials --verbosity=3

The default user invite reply-to email can be overridden in the config/settings/ file. The SERVER_EMAIL settings var is the reply-to email sent along with new account emails.

# config/settings/

AngularJS Integration Notes

Template Tags

Angular and Django both use {{ and }} as variable delimiters, and thus the AngularJS variable delimiters are renamed {$ and $}.

window.BE.apps.seed = angular.module('BE.seed', ['$interpolateProvider'], function ($interpolateProvider) {

Django CSRF Token and AJAX Requests

For ease of making angular $http requests, we automatically add the CSRF token to all $http requests as recommended by ($http, $cookies) {
    $http.defaults.headers.common['X-CSRFToken'] = $cookies['csrftoken'];

Routes and Partials or Views

Routes in static/seed/js/seed.js (the normal angularjs app.js)

window.BE.apps.seed.config(['$routeProvider', function ($routeProvider) {
            .when('/', {
                templateUrl: static_url + '/seed/partials/home.html'
            .when('/projects', {
                controller: 'project_list_controller',
                templateUrl: static_url + '/seed/partials/projects.html'
            .when('/buildings', {
                templateUrl: static_url + '/seed/partials/buildings.html'
            .when('/admin', {
                controller: 'seed_admin_controller',
                templateUrl: static_url + '/seed/partials/admin.html'
            .otherwise({ redirectTo: '/' });

HTML partials in static/seed/partials/

on production and staging servers on AWS, or for the partial html templates loaded on S3, or a CDN, the external resource should be added to the white list in static/seed/js/seed/js

// white list for s3
window.BE.apps.seed.config(function( $sceDelegateProvider ) {
    // localhost
    // AWS s3


Information about error logging can be found here -

Below is a standard set of error messages from Django.

A logger is configured to have a log level. This log level describes the severity of the messages that the logger will handle. Python defines the following log levels:

DEBUG: Low level system information for debugging purposes
INFO: General system information
WARNING: Information describing a minor problem that has occurred.
ERROR: Information describing a major problem that has occurred.
CRITICAL: Information describing a critical problem that has occurred.

Each message that is written to the logger is a Log Record. The log record is stored in the web server & Celery

BEDES Compliance and Managing Columns

Columns that do not represent hardcoded fields in the application are represented using a Django database model defined in the seed.models module. The goal of adding new columns to the database is to create seed.models.Column records in the database for each column to import. Currently, the list of Columns is dynamically populated by importing data.

There are default mappings for ESPM are located here:

Resetting the Database

This is a brief description of how to drop and re-create the database for the seed application.

The first two commands below are commands distributed with the Postgres database, and are not part of the seed application. The third command below will create the required database tables for seed and setup initial data that the application expects (initial columns for BEDES). The last command below (spanning multiple lines) will create a new superuser and organization that you can use to login to the application, and from there create any other users or organizations that you require.

Below are the commands for resetting the database and creating a new user:

psql -c 'DROP DATABASE "seeddb"'
psql -c 'CREATE DATABASE "seeddb" WITH OWNER = "seeduser";'
psql -c 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE "seeddb" TO seeduser;'
psql -c 'ALTER USER seeduser CREATEDB;'

psql -c 'ALTER USER seeduser CREATEROLE;'
./ migrate
./ create_default_user \ \
    --password=password \


JS tests can be run with Jasmine at the url app/angular_js_tests/.

Python unit tests are run with

python test --settings=config.settings.test

Run coverage using

coverage run test --settings=config.settings.test
coverage report --fail-under=83

Python compliance uses PEP8 with flake8

# or
tox -e flake8

JS Compliance uses jshint

jshint seed/static/seed/js