Green Button Package


seed.green_button.xml_importer module


Takes a value, returns that value if it is not a string and is an Iterable, and returns a list containing that value if it is not an Iterable or if it is a string. Returns None when val is None.

Parameters:val – any value
Returns:list containing val or val if it is Iterable and not a string.

Extracts information about a building from a Green Button XML file.

Parameters:xml_data – dictionary returned by xmltodict.parse when called on the contents of a Green Button XML file
  • building information for a Green Button XML file
  • information describing the meter used for collection
  • list of time series meter reading data
seed.green_button.xml_importer.create_models(data, import_file, cycle)

Create a PropertyState and a Meter. Then, create TimeSeries models for each meter reading in data.

  • data – dict, building data from a Green Button XML file from xml_importer.building_data
  • import_file – ImportFile, reference to Green Button XML file
  • cycle – Cycle, the cycle from which the property view will be attached



Returns the seed model energy type corresponding to the green button service category.

Parameters:service_category – int that is a green button service_category (string args will be converted to integers)
Returns:int in Meter.ENERGY_TYPES

Returns the seed model energy unit corresponding to the green button uom.

Parameters:uom – int that is the green button uom number corresponding to the energy units supported by the green button schema (string args will be converted to integers)
Returns:int in seed.models.ENERGY_UNITS
seed.green_button.xml_importer.import_xml(import_file, cycle)

Given an import_file referencing a raw Green Button XML file, extracts building and time series information from the file and constructs required database models.

  • import_file – a seed.models.ImportFile instance representing a Green Button XML file that has been previously uploaded
  • cycle – which cycle to import the results

PropertyView, attached to cycle


Takes a dictionary containing the contents of an IntervalBlock node from a Green Button XML file and returns a dictionary containing the start_time of the time series collection, the duration of the collection, and a list of readings containing the time series data from a meter.

Parameters:ib_xml_data – dictionary of the contents of an IntervalBlock from a Green Button XML file
Returns:dictionary containing meta data about an entire collection period and a list of the specific meter readings

Takes a dictionary representing the contents of an IntervalReading XML node and pulls out data for a single time series reading. The dictionary will be a sub-dictionary of the dictionary returned by xmltodict.parse when called on a Green Button XML file. Returns a flat dictionary containing the interval data.

Parameters:reading_xml_data – dictionary of IntervalReading XML node content in format specified by the xmltodict library.
Returns:dictionary representing a time series reading with keys ‘cost’, ‘value’, ‘start_time’, and ‘duration’.

Takes a dictionary representing the contents of the entry node in a Green Button XML file that specifies the meta data about the meter that was used to record time series data for that file. Returns a flat dictionary containing the meter meta data.

Parameters:raw_meter_meta – dictionary of the contents of the meter specification entry node in a Green Button XML file
Returns:dictionary containing information about a meter with keys ‘currency’, ‘power_of_ten_multiplier’, and ‘uom’

Module contents