Views Package




seed.views.api.get_api_schema(request, *args, **kwargs)

Returns a hash of all API endpoints and their descriptions.


    '/example/url/here': {
        'name': endpoint name,
        'description': endpoint description


Format docstrings better.



Jasmine JS unit test code covering AngularJS unit tests

seed.views.main.delete_file(request, *args, **kwargs)

Deletes an ImportFile from a dataset.


    "file_id": "ImportFile id",
    "organization_id": "current user organization id as integer"


    'status': 'success' or 'error',
    'message': 'error message, if any'
seed.views.main.delete_organization_inventory(request, *args, **kwargs)

Starts a background task to delete all properties & taxlots in an org.

DELETE:Expects ‘org_id’ for the organization.


    'status': 'success' or 'error',
    'progress_key': ID of background job, for retrieving job progress
seed.views.main.get_default_building_detail_columns(request, *args, **kwargs)

Get default columns for building detail view.

front end is expecting a JSON object with an array of field names


    "columns": ["project_id", "name", "gross_floor_area"]
seed.views.main.home(request, *args, **kwargs)

the main view for the app Sets in the context for the django template:

  • app_urls: a json object of all the URLs that is loaded in the JS global namespace
  • username: the request user’s username (first and last name)
  • AWS_UPLOAD_BUCKET_NAME: S3 direct upload bucket
  • AWS_CLIENT_ACCESS_KEY: S3 direct upload client key
  • FILE_UPLOAD_DESTINATION: ‘S3’ or ‘filesystem’
seed.views.main.public_search(request, *args, **kwargs)

the public API unauthenticated endpoint

see search_buildings for the non-public version

seed.views.main.search_buildings(request, *args, **kwargs)

Retrieves a paginated list of CanonicalBuildings matching search params.


    'q': a string to search on (optional),
    'show_shared_buildings': True to include buildings from other orgs in this user's org tree,
    'order_by': which field to order by (e.g. pm_property_id),
    'import_file_id': ID of an import to limit search to,
    'filter_params': {
        a hash of Django-like filter parameters to limit query.  See
        If 'project__slug' is included and set to a project's slug, buildings will include associated labels
        for that project.
    'page': Which page of results to retrieve (default: 1),
    'number_per_page': Number of buildings to retrieve per page (default: 10),


    'status': 'success',
    'buildings': [
            all fields for buildings the request user has access to, e.g.:
                'canonical_building': the CanonicalBuilding ID of the building,
                'pm_property_id': ID of building (from Portfolio Manager),
                'address_line_1': First line of building's address,
                'property_name': Building's name, if any
    'number_matching_search': Total number of buildings matching search,
    'number_returned': Number of buildings returned for this page
seed.views.main.set_default_building_detail_columns(request, *args, **kwargs)
seed.views.main.set_default_columns(request, *args, **kwargs)
seed.views.main.version(request, *args, **kwargs)

Returns the SEED version and current git sha


seed.views.meters.add_meter_to_building(request, *args, **kwargs)

Will add a building to an existing meter.


    'organization_id': 435,
    'building_id': 342,
    'meter_name': 'Unit 34.',
    'energy_type': 'Electricity',
    'energy_units': 'kWh'
seed.views.meters.add_timeseries(request, *args, **kwargs)

Add time series data for a meter.


    'organization_id': 435,
    'meter_id': 34,
    'timeseries': [
            'begin_time': 2342342232,
            'end_time': 23423433433,
            'cost': 232.23,
seed.views.meters.get_meters(request, *args, **kwargs)

Returns all of the meters for a building.

Expected GET params:

building_id: int, unique identifier for a (canonical) building.

seed.views.meters.get_timeseries(request, *args, **kwargs)

Return all time series data for a building, grouped by meter.

Expected GET params:

meter_id: int, unique identifier for the meter. offset: int, the offset from the most recent meter data to begin showing. num: int, the number of results to show.


class seed.views.projects.ProjectViewSet(**kwargs)

Bases: seed.decorators.DecoratorMixindrf_api_endpoint, rest_framework.viewsets.ModelViewSet

ProjectViewModels = {'property': <class 'seed.models.projects.ProjectPropertyView'>, 'taxlot': <class 'seed.models.projects.ProjectTaxLotView'>}
ViewModels = {'property': <class ''>, 'taxlot': <class 'seed.models.tax_lots.TaxLotView'>}
add(request, *args, **kwargs)

Add inventory to project :PUT: Expects organization_id in query string. — parameters:

  • name: organization_id description: ID of organization to associate new project with type: integer required: true
  • name: inventory_type description: type of inventory to add: ‘property’ or ‘taxlot’ type: string required: true paramType: query
  • name: project slug or pk description: The project slug identifier or primary key for this project required: true paramType: path
  • name: selected description: ids of property or taxlot views to add type: array[int] required: true
‘status’: ‘success’, ‘added’: [list of property/taxlot view ids added]


authentication_classes = (<class 'rest_framework.authentication.SessionAuthentication'>, <class 'seed.authentication.SEEDAuthentication'>)
count(request, *args, **kwargs)

Returns the number of projects within the org tree to which a user belongs. Counts projects in parent orgs and sibling orgs.

GET:Expects organization_id in query string.

— parameters:

  • name: organization_id description: The organization_id for this user’s organization required: true paramType: query
type: string description: success, or error
type: integer description: number of projects
create(request, *args, **kwargs)

Creates a new project

POST:Expects organization_id in query string.

— parameters:

  • name: organization_id description: ID of organization to associate new project with type: integer required: true paramType: query
  • name: name description: name of the new project type: string required: true
  • name: is_compliance description: add compliance data if true type: bool required: true
  • name: compliance_type description: description of type of compliance type: string required: true if is_compliance else false
  • name: description description: description of new project type: string required: true if is_compliance else false
  • name: end_date description: Timestamp for when project ends type: string required: true if is_compliance else false
  • name: deadline_date description: Timestamp for compliance deadline type: string required: true if is_compliance else false

‘status’: ‘success’, ‘project’: {

‘id’: project’s primary key, ‘name’: project’s name, ‘slug’: project’s identifier, ‘status’: ‘active’, ‘number_of_buildings’: Count of buildings associated with project ‘last_modified’: Timestamp when project last changed ‘last_modified_by’: {

‘first_name’: first name of user that made last change, ‘last_name’: last name, ‘email’: email address,

}, ‘is_compliance’: True if project is a compliance project, ‘compliance_type’: Description of compliance type, ‘deadline_date’: Timestamp of when compliance is due, ‘end_date’: Timestamp of end of project, ‘property_count’: 0, ‘taxlot_count’: 0,



destroy(request, *args, **kwargs)

Delete a project.

DELETE:Expects organization_id in query string.

— parameter_strategy: replace parameters:

  • name: organization_id description: The organization_id for this user’s organization required: true paramType: query
  • name: project slug or pk description: The project slug identifier or primary key for this project required: true paramType: path
‘status’: ‘success’,


get_error(error, key=None, val=None)

Return error message and corresponding http status code.


Determine where to use slug or pk to identify project.


Get org id from query param or request.user.


Get required params from post etc body.

Returns dict of params and list of missing params.

get_project(key, pk)

Get project for view.


Get status from string or int

list(request, *args, **kwargs)

Retrieves all projects for a given organization.

GET:Expects organization_id in query string.
  • name: organization_id description: The organization_id for this user’s organization required: true paramType: query


    'status': 'success',
    'projects': [
            'id': project's primary key,
            'name': project's name,
            'slug': project's identifier,
            'status': 'active',
            'number_of_buildings': Count of buildings associated with project
            'last_modified': Timestamp when project last changed
            'last_modified_by': {
                'first_name': first name of user that made last change,
                'last_name': last name,
                'email': email address,
            'is_compliance': True if project is a compliance project,
            'compliance_type': Description of compliance type,
            'deadline_date': Timestamp of when compliance is due,
            'end_date': Timestamp of end of project,
            'property_count': number of property views associated with project,
            'taxlot_count':  number of taxlot views associated with project,
parser_classes = (<class 'rest_framework.parsers.JSONParser'>,)
partial_update(request, *args, **kwargs)

Updates a project. Allows partial update, i.e. only updated param s need be supplied.

PUT:Expects organization_id in query string.

— parameters:

  • name: organization_id description: ID of organization to associate new project with type: integer required: true paramType: query
  • name: project slug or pk description: The project slug identifier or primary key for this project required: true paramType: path
  • name: name description: name of the new project type: string required: false
  • name: is_compliance description: add compliance data if true type: bool required: false
  • name: compliance_type description: description of type of compliance type: string required: true if is_compliance else false
  • name: description description: description of new project type: string required: true if is_compliance else false
  • name: end_date description: Timestamp for when project ends type: string required: true if is_compliance else false
  • name: deadline_date description: Timestamp for compliance deadline type: string required: true if is_compliance else false

‘status’: ‘success’, ‘project’: {

‘id’: project’s primary key, ‘name’: project’s name, ‘slug’: project’s identifier, ‘status’: ‘active’, ‘number_of_buildings’: Count of buildings associated with project ‘last_modified’: Timestamp when project last changed ‘last_modified_by’: {

‘first_name’: first name of user that made last change, ‘last_name’: last name, ‘email’: email address,

}, ‘is_compliance’: True if project is a compliance project, ‘compliance_type’: Description of compliance type, ‘deadline_date’: Timestamp of when compliance is due, ‘end_date’: Timestamp of end of project, ‘property_count’: number of property views associated with project, ‘taxlot_count’: number of taxlot views associated with project,



project_view_factory(inventory_type, project_id, view_id)

ProjectPropertyView/ProjectTaxLotView factory.

query_set = <QuerySet []>
remove(request, *args, **kwargs)

Remove inventory from project :PUT: Expects organization_id in query string. — parameters:

  • name: organization_id description: ID of organization to associate new project with type: integer required: true
  • name: inventory_type description: type of inventory to add: ‘property’ or ‘taxlot’ type: string required: true paramType: query
  • name: project slug or pk description: The project slug identifier or primary key for this project required: true paramType: path
  • name: selected description: ids of property or taxlot views to add type: array[int] required: true
‘status’: ‘success’, ‘removed’: [list of property/taxlot view ids removed]


renderer_classes = (<class 'rest_framework.renderers.JSONRenderer'>,)
retrieve(request, *args, **kwargs)

Retrieves details about a project.

GET:Expects organization_id in query string.

— parameter_strategy: replace parameters:

  • name: organization_id description: The organization_id for this user’s organization required: true paramType: query
  • name: project slug or pk description: The project slug identifier or primary key for this project required: true paramType: path


 'id': project's primary key,
 'name': project's name,
 'slug': project's identifier,
 'status': 'active',
 'number_of_buildings': Count of buildings associated with project
 'last_modified': Timestamp when project last changed
 'last_modified_by': {
    'first_name': first name of user that made last change,
    'last_name': last name,
    'email': email address,
 'is_compliance': True if project is a compliance project,
 'compliance_type': Description of compliance type,
 'deadline_date': Timestamp of when compliance is due,
 'end_date': Timestamp of end of project
 'property_count': number of property views associated with project,
 'taxlot_count':  number of taxlot views associated with project,
 'property_views': [list of serialized property views associated with the project...],
 'taxlot_views': [list of serialized taxlot views associated with the project...],

alias of ProjectSerializer

suffix = None
transfer(request, *args, **kwargs)

Move or copy inventory from one project to another

PUT:Expects organization_id in query string.

— parameter_strategy: replace parameters:

  • name: organization_id description: The organization_id for this user’s organization required: true type: integer paramType: query
  • name: inventory_type description: type of inventory to add: ‘property’ or ‘taxlot’ required: true type: string paramType: query
  • name: copy or move description: Whether to move or copy inventory required: true paramType: path required: true
-name: target
type: string or int description: target project slug/id to move/copy to. required: true
  • name: selected description: JSON array, list of property/taxlot views to be transferred paramType: array[int] required: true
update(request, *args, **kwargs)

Updates a project

PUT:Expects organization_id in query string.

— parameters:

  • name: organization_id description: ID of organization to associate new project with type: integer required: true paramType: query
  • name: project slug or pk description: The project slug identifier or primary key for this project required: true paramType: path
  • name: name description: name of the new project type: string required: true
  • name: is_compliance description: add compliance data if true type: bool required: true
  • name: compliance_type description: description of type of compliance type: string required: true if is_compliance else false
  • name: description description: description of new project type: string required: true if is_compliance else false
  • name: end_date description: Timestamp for when project ends type: string required: true if is_compliance else false
  • name: deadline_date description: Timestamp for compliance deadline type: string required: true if is_compliance else false

‘status’: ‘success’, ‘project’: {

‘id’: project’s primary key, ‘name’: project’s name, ‘slug’: project’s identifier, ‘status’: ‘active’, ‘number_of_buildings’: Count of buildings associated with project ‘last_modified’: Timestamp when project last changed ‘last_modified_by’: {

‘first_name’: first name of user that made last change, ‘last_name’: last name, ‘email’: email address,

}, ‘is_compliance’: True if project is a compliance project, ‘compliance_type’: Description of compliance type, ‘deadline_date’: Timestamp of when compliance is due, ‘end_date’: Timestamp of end of project, ‘property_count’: number of property views associated with project, ‘taxlot_count’: number of taxlot views associated with project,



update_details(request, *args, **kwargs)

Updates extra information about the inventory/project relationship. In particular, whether the property/taxlot is compliant and who approved it.

PUT:Expects organization_id in query string.

— parameter_strategy: replace parameters:

  • name: organization_id description: The organization_id for this user’s organization required: true type: integer paramType: query
  • name: inventory_type description: type of inventory to add: ‘property’ or ‘taxlot’ required: true type: string paramType: query
  • name: id description: id of property/taxlot view to update required: true type: integer paramType: string
  • name: compliant description: is compliant required: true type: bool paramType: string
‘status’: ‘success’, ‘approved_date’: Timestamp of change (now), ‘approver’: Email address of user making change


seed.views.projects.convert_dates(data, keys)
seed.views.projects.update_model(model, data)

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