seed.utils package


seed.utils.api module

:copyright (c) 2014 - 2016, The Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Department of Energy) and contributors. All rights reserved. # NOQA :author

class seed.utils.api.APIBypassCSRFMiddleware

Bases: object

This middleware turns off CSRF protection for API clients.

It must come before CsrfViewMiddleware in settings.MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES.

process_view(request, *args, **kwargs)

If this request is an API request, bypass CSRF protection.


Decorator function to mark a view as allowed to authenticate via API key.

Decorator must be used before login_required or has_perm to set request.user for those decorators.


Given a django-style url regex pattern, strip it down to a human-readable url.

TODO: If pks ever appear in the url, this will need to account for that.


Decorator to register a Django Rest Framework view with the list of API endpoints. Marks it with is_api_endpoint = True as well as appending it to the global endpoints list.


Cleans up a python method docstring for human consumption.

seed.utils.api.get_all_urls(urllist, prefix='')

Recursive generator that traverses entire tree of urls, starting with urllist, yielding a tuple of (url_pattern, view_function) for each one.


Examines all views and returns those with is_api_endpoint set to true (done by the @api_endpoint decorator).

TODO: this isn’t particularly expensive now, but if the number of urls grows a lot, it may be worth caching this somewhere.


Determines if this is an API request and returns the corresponding user if so.

seed.utils.api_client module

:copyright (c) 2014 - 2016, The Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Department of Energy) and contributors. All rights reserved. # NOQA :author

Demo and testing features for interacting with a SEED API.

class seed.utils.api_client.APIClient(base_url, api_key='', email_address='')

Bases: object

Implementation of a demonstration client for using SEED’s API.

Example Usage:

client = APIClient('',

# get all orgs user belongs to

# organization id 17 will now be used for most requests

# create a dataset
client.create_dataset('dataset name here')
>>> {u'id': 34, u'name': u'test_data_set2', u'status': u'success'}

# upload a file
client.upload_file('/path/to/file', 34, 'Assessed Raw')
>>> {'import_file_id': 54,
     'success': true,
     'filename': 'DataforSEED_dos15.csv'}

# save the file's to the DB as raw buildings
client.save_raw_data(payload={'file_id': 54})
>>> {u'progress_key': u':1:SEED:save_raw_data:PROG:54',
     u'status': u'success'}

# check the progress of the saving
>>> {u'progress': 78,
     u'progress_key': u':1:SEED:save_raw_data:PROG:54'}

For nearly all endpoints, functions named for the endpoint are created from the get_api_schema endpoint. If an endpoint requires a payload it can be provided as a dictionary to the keyword ‘payload’:

        {'project_slug': 'myproject',
         'name': 'My Project',
         'description': 'My description here',
         'end_date': 1407231741,
         'deadline_date': 1407200000
>>> {'status': 'success'}

If an endpoint requires a GET query string, provide those parameters as a dict to the keyword ‘params’:

client.get_import_file(params={'import_file_id': 54})
>>> {'status': 'success',
     'import_file': {<snip>}

Example method including a payload.

name: The name of the new dataset.
{‘id’: 34, ‘name’: name, ‘status’: ‘success’}

Provides a human-readable description of an endpoint, specified either by name or URI. E.g.:

>>> save_match
>>> /app/save_match/
>>> Adds or removes a match between two BuildingSnapshots[...]

Example method for overriding the autogenerated methods.

All organizations the user belongs to. See ``seed.views.accounts.get_organizations()’‘

Retrieves all of the API endpoints for this SEED instance.


Sets the client’s organization_id. As this is needed for most requests, you can set it once and include it in all requests.

org_id: An ID of an org the user belongs to. Will validate against
the API.
upload_file(filepath, import_record_id, source_type)

Determines the correct method to upload a file (S3 or direct) and does so. Makes use of several endpoints in the process, depending on where the SEED instance stores files.

filepath: Full path to file on local filesystem. import_record_id: ID of the dataset to associate file with. source_type: Usually one of ‘Assessed Raw’ or ‘Portfolio Raw’
{“import_file_id”: 54,
“success”: true, “filename”: “DataforSEED_dos15.csv”}

seed.utils.buildings module

:copyright (c) 2014 - 2016, The Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Department of Energy) and contributors. All rights reserved. # NOQA :author


returns the number of buildings in a user’s orgs

seed.utils.buildings.get_columns(is_project, org_id, all_fields=False)

gets default columns, to be overridden in future

title: HTML presented title of column sort_column: semantic name used by js and for searching DB class: HTML CSS class for row td elements title_class: HTML CSS class for column td elements type: ‘string’, ‘number’, ‘date’ min, max: the django filter key e.g. gross_floor_area__gte field_type: assessor, pm, or compliance (currently not used) sortable: determines if the column is sortable checked: initial state of “edit columns” modal static: True if option can be toggle (ID is false because it is

always needed to link to the building detail page)
link: signifies that the cell’s data should link to a building detail
seed.utils.buildings.get_search_query(user, params)
seed.utils.buildings.get_source_type(import_file, source_type='')

Used for converting ImportFile source_type into an int.

seed.utils.buildings.serialize_building_snapshot(b, pm_cb, building)

returns a dict that’s safe to JSON serialize

seed.utils.constants module

:copyright (c) 2014 - 2016, The Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Department of Energy) and contributors. All rights reserved. # NOQA :author

seed.utils.mapping module

:copyright (c) 2014 - 2016, The Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Department of Energy) and contributors. All rights reserved. # NOQA :author


Get a list of all the columns we’re able to map to.


Like get_mappable_columns, but with type information.

seed.utils.organizations module

:copyright (c) 2014 - 2016, The Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Department of Energy) and contributors. All rights reserved. # NOQA :author

seed.utils.organizations.create_organization(user, org_name='', *args, **kwargs)

Helper script to create a user/org relationship from scratch.

  • user – user inst.
  • org_name – str, name of Organization we’d like to create.
  • kwargs ((optional)) – ‘role’, int; ‘status’, str.

seed.utils.projects module

:copyright (c) 2014 - 2016, The Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Department of Energy) and contributors. All rights reserved. # NOQA :author

seed.utils.projects.copy_buildings(source_project, target_project, buildings, select_all, search_params, user)

copies buildings from source project to target project

  • source_project_slug – str, a slug to get a Project inst.
  • target_project_slug – str, a slug to get a Project inst.
  • buildings – list, list of source_facility_id as str to get

BuildingSnapshot inst. :param select_all: bool, if the select all checkbox was checked. i.e. should we transfer all buildings in a project or just the buildings in the list :search_params: dict, params needed to generate a queryset of buildings, with keys (q, other_params, project_slug) :user: User inst., django user instance needed for select all queryset

seed.utils.projects.delete_matching_buildings(project, buildings, select_all, search_params, user)

deletes buildings in a project that match search search params

  • project_slug – str, a slug to get a Project inst.
  • buildings – list, list of source_facility_id as str to get

BuildingSnapshot inst. :param select_all: bool, if the select all checkbox was checked. i.e. should we transfer all buildings in a project or just the buildings in the list :search_params: dict, params needed to generate a queryset of buildings, with keys (q, other_params, project_slug) :user: User inst., django user instance needed for select all queryset

seed.utils.projects.get_projects(building, organization)

return an JSON friendly list of the building’s projects

  • building – the BuildingSnapshot inst.
  • organization – the Organization inst.

list of projects

seed.utils.projects.get_transfer_buildings(source_project, target_project, buildings, select_all, search_params, user)

generates move or copy buildings queryset

  • source_project_slug – str, a slug to get a Project inst.
  • target_project_slug – str, a slug to get a Project inst.
  • buildings – list, list of source_facility_id as str to get

BuildingSnapshot inst. :param select_all: bool, if the select all checkbox was checked. i.e. should we transfer all buildings in a project or just the buildings in the list :search_params: dict, params needed to generate a queryset of buildings, with keys (q, other_params, project_slug) :user: User inst., django user instance needed for select all queryset

Rtype Queryset:a django queryset of buildings to move or copy
seed.utils.projects.move_buildings(source_project, target_project, buildings, select_all, search_params, user)

moves buildings from source project to target project

  • source_project_slug – str, a slug to get a Project inst.
  • target_project_slug – str, a slug to get a Project inst.
  • buildings – list, list of source_facility_id as str to get

BuildingSnapshot inst. :param select_all: bool, if the select all checkbox was checked. i.e. should we transfer all buildings in a project or just the buildings in the list :search_params: dict, params needed to generate a queryset of buildings, with keys (q, other_params, project_slug) :user: User inst., django user instance needed for select all queryset

seed.utils.projects.transfer_buildings(source_project_slug, target_project_slug, buildings, select_all, search_params, user, copy_flag=False)

copies or moves buildings from one project to another

  • source_project_slug – str, a slug to get a Project inst.
  • target_project_slug – str, a slug to get a Project inst.
  • buildings – list, list of source_facility_id as str to get

BuildingSnapshot inst. :param select_all: bool, if the select all checkbox was checked. i.e. should we transfer all buildings in a project or just the buildings in the list :search_params: dict, params needed to generate a queryset of buildings, with keys (q, other_params, project_slug) :user: User inst., django user instance needed for select all queryset and to update the projects’ “last changed” and “last changed by” :copy_flag: bool, True - copy buildings, False - move buildings

seed.utils.time module

:copyright (c) 2014 - 2016, The Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Department of Energy) and contributors. All rights reserved. # NOQA :author


Converts dates like 12/31/2010 into datetime objects.


converts a django/python datetime object to milliseconds since epoch


Process a datetime value that may be None, timestamp, stftime.

Module contents

:copyright (c) 2014 - 2016, The Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Department of Energy) and contributors. All rights reserved. # NOQA :author